Isis Healing Journey
Step into an ancient healing metaphor with relaxed fluid movement similar to tai chi!
Created by Daniel Lally, the Isis Healing Journey and the Healing Dance of Isis are a unique experience of movement and a series of "stations" to perform simple, fun and exhilarating healing movements, PARTNER movements and slow motion dances.
Created by Daniel Lally, the Isis Healing Journey and the Healing Dance of Isis are a unique experience of movement and a series of "stations" to perform simple, fun and exhilarating healing movements, PARTNER movements and slow motion dances.
Similar to tai chi and both sensual and other-worldly, the 12 unique movements and 4 fluid dances are an amazing healing metaphor for the search for, re-membering and resurrection of our various "parts."
The journey recapitulates and affirms the search for healing, bringing more of you to life and balanced living, and can be especially powerful when performed on a designated and secluded private path or area. Participants report renewed energy, vitality, hope, peace, joy and sense of purpose.
Step 1: the Isis Healing Journey: to find our 12 metaphorical "parts"...which is to learn each of the unique fluid movements, step by step as we journey along a path.
Step 1: the Isis Healing Journey: to find our 12 metaphorical "parts"...which is to learn each of the unique fluid movements, step by step as we journey along a path.
Simple, fun and easy to learn, the movements embody the themes, energies and characteristics of the 12 signs of the zodiac and were also inspired by each sign's associated body parts, element (symbolic fire, earth, air, water) and mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable).
Over time, you can continue to step into 4 different unique sessions of this experience - the Isis Healing Journey Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 = and learn one of the 4 dances at each session.
Those who have completed Part 4 may request to apprentice to teach the Isis Healing Journey.
Individual sessions are also helpful as well to experience the partner movements and personalize the Isis Healing Journey to your life.
Those who have completed Part 4 may request to apprentice to teach the Isis Healing Journey.
Individual sessions are also helpful as well to experience the partner movements and personalize the Isis Healing Journey to your life.
Deeper Dive
The myth of Osiris and Isis is a cornerstone of Egyptian mythology, central to understanding Isis’s healing powers. The story unfolds with the murder of Osiris, the rightful king, at the hands of his jealous brother Set. Driven by love and devotion, Isis and her sister embarked on a journey to retrieve her husband’s fragmented body and magically resurrect him.
The myth of Isis and Osiris (Aset/throne and Usir/power in Egyptian) has always fascinated us and - in terms of its healing potential - we believe that it has been deeply underestimated, misunderstood and taken out of context. As time has gone by, we have come to believe that the myth was not only deeply connected to a forgotten healing paradigm of ancient Egyptian mystery schools, but that it could also have a profound effect on our modern healing paradigm of "parts work."
We believe that the deeper meaning of the myth is that the opposite of remembering is not forgetting - it is dis-membering - figuratively 'slicing off' or excluding 'parts' of others or ourselves, or being victimized in that way. So healing deepens with a willingness to look for the parts that have split off and a willingness to re-member. Learn more with this excerpt from Robert Bly below.
We believe that the deeper meaning of the myth is that the opposite of remembering is not forgetting - it is dis-membering - figuratively 'slicing off' or excluding 'parts' of others or ourselves, or being victimized in that way. So healing deepens with a willingness to look for the parts that have split off and a willingness to re-member. Learn more with this excerpt from Robert Bly below.
The Long Bag We Drag Behind Us
~(excerpt from A Little Book on the Human Shadow, Robert Bly, HarperCollins 1988)
“When we were one or two years old, most of us had 360-degree personalities. We were literally balls of energy radiating from all parts of our body and psyche. But as time went on, we noticed that our parents didn’t like certain parts of that ball. “Can’t you sit still?” Or, “It isn’t nice to hit and bite.”
“To keep our parents love, we started an invisible bag, and we put in that bag the parts of us our parents didn’t like. By the time we got to school, our bag was quite large. There, we added our teachers’ comments. “Play nice with others, don’t be bossy, don’t be so self-centered, and don’t get angry.” So we take our anger, our sense of self-importance, and put it in the bag.
“As teens, we do an extraordinary amount of bag-stuffing in high school. This time it’s no longer the evil grownup that pressures us, but people our own age...
“I so maintain that out of that round globe of energy the twenty-year-old ends up with a slice...
We spend our life until we’re twenty deciding what parts of ourselves to put into the bag, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again...”
The value of this work is that it is a uniquely fun and powerful way to help free up energy and "resurrect" parts out of "the long bag we drag behind us." To perform the 12 movements and unique dances is figuratively to re-member, and to perform the opposite/complement pairs with a partner invites you to re-member deeper still.
We believe that the body parts associated with the six pairs of signs of the zodiac naturally play a part in this drama. The 12 movements that we created for each sign were inspired by the sign's characteristics, body parts, element and mode elegantly embody this paradigm.
So from the point of view of the Isis/Osiris metaphor, we believe that life is an invitation to delve into how we play out the Isis/Osiris myth in our life in the role of Isis the healer, Set the wounder and Osiris the woundee/healee.
We believe that one of the biggest wounds we carry as a culture - and world - is the compartmentalizing or separation of mind and body, left brain and right brain.
Learn more below about how this experience honors experiential learning.
We believe that the body parts associated with the six pairs of signs of the zodiac naturally play a part in this drama. The 12 movements that we created for each sign were inspired by the sign's characteristics, body parts, element and mode elegantly embody this paradigm.
So from the point of view of the Isis/Osiris metaphor, we believe that life is an invitation to delve into how we play out the Isis/Osiris myth in our life in the role of Isis the healer, Set the wounder and Osiris the woundee/healee.
We believe that one of the biggest wounds we carry as a culture - and world - is the compartmentalizing or separation of mind and body, left brain and right brain.
Learn more below about how this experience honors experiential learning.
So these experiences are a step in the direction of healing and reconnecting mind and body.
We believe that consciously choosing to literally step into the healer/healee aspect of life is a powerful step in taking our power and life force back and returning to a life of magnificence, peace, power, joy and sovereignty, i.e. The Return of the King...and the Queen.
And the Isis Healing Journey and Healing Dance of Isis can help you do just that.
Schedule a Part 1 experience!
Contact us to schedule.